Portal 2 Getting Free Custom Map Editor [DLC]
Portal 2 is finally getting something new! Valve is launching a Portal 2 map / puzzle maker called theĀ Perpetual Testing Initiative (PeTI) on May 8th via the Steam Store on Mac and PC. The...
Tech News, Reviews, & Tutorials
Portal 2 is finally getting something new! Valve is launching a Portal 2 map / puzzle maker called theĀ Perpetual Testing Initiative (PeTI) on May 8th via the Steam Store on Mac and PC. The...
Looks like one of Valve’s fans whipped up a real life Wheatley puppet.Ā Wheatley moves and talks just like in Portal 2, using several of the scripted lines from the game.
Portal was one of the most innovative games of this decade, effectively creating its own genre by mixing a first person shooter with a puzzle game, adding physics and the usual Valve touch. Portal...
Steam finally launched Portal 2 early this morning around 1am EST to the excitement of millions of users. As many complained, the Potato Sack didn’t do much – unless you got all the potatoes,...
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