Samsung Galaxy S III Signup Available

Samsung has a signup page available for the upcoming (and over-anticipated) Galaxy S III, which is set for the European launch May 29th. We’ll have to wait until June / July to start seeing...

Samsung Galaxy S III Logo - svolze

Samsung Galaxy S III Live Announcement

Samsung will begin announcing their upcoming mobile products, including the highly-anticipated Galaxy S III at 2 PM EST. Below we will be featuring a LiveBlog with automatic updates. You can also file updates on...

Sony Joins the Cloud Storage World

Just yesterday Google launched their own version of Dropbox called Google Drive. Well it appears that Google Drive is not Dropbox’s only competitor. Sony joins the cloud world with their version of cloud media...

Samsung Galaxy S III Shows up on Benchmarks

The Samsung Galaxy S III is making it’s mark once again, showing up on the AnTuTu benchmark earlier today – confirming some specs, confounding some others. As you can see from the benchmarks below,...

Playstation Vita Gets Skype

According to the official Playstation Blog, the Vita is finally getting a Skype app. The Skype app will feature high-quality video calling from the front-facing camera, the option to use the rear camera, and...

Mass Effect 3 Selling for Only $30 on Amazon

Compared to $60? Definitively sharing: This goes for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC (with optional download) Mass Effect 3 selling for only $30 Amazon Link Facebook Post: