Starbucks Begins Accepting Purchases with Square Wallet

As of November 7th, 2012, Starbucks will be accepting purchases using your Square Wallet on your smartphone.   Source:

AT&T to Spend 14 Billion On Network

AT&T just put out a press release laying out their plans to spend 14 billion US Dollars to build up their wireless and wired broadband network infrastructure over the next 3 years. The plan...

Star Trek TNG Season 2 Bluray Coming December 4th

Season 2 of  Star Trek The Next Generation is just around the corner,  $40 more than the first season, but more than worth it for us fans. Check out the trailer for Season Two:...

Darth Vader Goes to Disneyland

With Disney’s recent purchase of the Star Wars franchise for some 4 billion USD, it was only a matter of time that something funny went up. Disney just put up a video with Darth Vader...