New Louis C.K. Special Available DRM Free On His Website

Do you like Louis C.K. and supporting independently published, DRM free distribution? Here you go: Louis C.K. has great successes producing and publishing his comedy specials in house, so it’s no surprise that he’d...

Microsoft Surprises the World at the Windows 10 Event

Microsoft held their big event earlier in the day and revealed quite a bit more than just Windows 10. Microsoft drew so many viewers that several of the streams had difficulties throughout the conference. In this overview, I’ll be...

Virgin is Building The Largest Satellite Internet Grid

Richard Branson has had some cool projects over years, but his lead on personal space travel has always piqued my interests. Now Virgin has partnered with Qualcomm Incorporated to launch and establish a low-Earth...

New DTS:X Format Separates Audio by Object

The new DTS audio format presented at CES 2015 has some cool new features that should greatly improve the sound in movies and TV. DTS:X separates the audio into sources. One sound source that...