PlayStation Network is Back Online

PSNAs mentioned on last night’s live stream, a hacker group known as Lizard Squad took responsibility for PlayStation Network’s outage which occurred right as Christmas started. They also claimed responsibility in limiting Xbox Live services to their users. Microsoft was easily able to regain their Xbox Live services back online while Sony worked 3 days to finally get their online gaming service back up. As of today, users are enjoying playing on the PlayStation Network online gaming service once again.


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Yousef Shanawany

Living in the heart of Silicon Valley, Yousef is a tech reviewer and editor and enjoys reading about tech news around the world. As his primary focus is the video game industry, he also loves reading about mobile and tablet news, as well as other new emerging hardware technologies. Yousef graduated from San Jose State University, earning his Bachelors degree in Software Engineering. He spends most of his time reading, gaming, and programming.