The Humble Deep Silver Bundle – Saints Row 2, 3, Dead Island, Risen, and more!
The Humble Bundle team has put together another great non-indie game bundle for the PC. The Humble Deep Silver Bundle has a solid selection of games, including the two most recent Saint’s Row games recently acquired from THQ, both Dead Island games, and a couple of titles I have yet to play.
Check out what they’re including:
Pay at least $1 dollar and get these great games:
If you pay more than the average amount, you get the games above plus all the Saints Row The Third DLC, as well as Dead Island Game of The Year Edition (GOTY).
If you’re willing to pay at least $25, you get everything above as well as Dead Island Riptide. This is a ridiculous deal if you were considering this title.

Dead Island Riptide
As with every Humble Bundle, there is an amusing video to promote the deal:” height=”360″ width=”640″ allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0″>