Author: Yousef Shanawany

Usernames and Passwords to be Replaced with OneID

OneID is trying to eliminate the use of memorizing usernames and passwords and replacing them with just… 1 I.D, similar to how user can log in to sites with their Facebook. However, users do not feel...

Apple Responds to The New iPad Being Too Hot

The New iPad has plenty of features to brag about, but those features are what makes it literally one of the hottest tablets on the market. Try running the GLBenchmark on The New iPad, (A.K.A....

Mass Effect 3 Datapad App is Free

Bioware simply loves to do all it can to promote one of my favorite games in the market. Mass Effect 3 is again doing something what many people may call unique. Usually while playing ME3, we...

iPad 3 is a NO: iPad HD is a GO!

Apple’s next tablet, also thought of as the iPad 3, will be released under the name iPad HD The New iPad. Many tech news sites are now explaining the reasoning to this and go on to expand...