Author: Yousef Shanawany

Online PSN Pass Required for Uncharted 3

Yet, another attempt at forcing gaming consumers to purchase new games instead of used. Uncharted will utilize Sony’s online pass system, much like what they did in Resistance 3. If a consumer purchases a used...

QR Droid Review

Today we’ll be taking a look at QR Droid, a free app which lets you generate QR Codes from your Android device.

Alien Invasions App

Looking for a fun side-scrolling alien shoot-em-up for your Android phone? Check out Alien Invasions, free on the Android Market.

GameStop Makes Their Own Gaming Tablet

Gamestop isn’t happy with the tablets currently in the market. So they have decided in making their own gaming tablet. The tablet will be designed to run high quality mobile games, powered by Android....

Netflix Implements Even More Limitations

Recently, we released an article on Netflix’s recent price increase to all its users. Well now they’re putting more limitations on their users ability to stream content. Originally, users were able to use up...